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ASAE and the ASAE Research Foundation’s Board of Directors needs you! Here is your chance to help lead the association dedicated to furthering the profession of association management and advancing the important societal contributions associations and their leaders make. ASAE and the ASAE Research Foundation are currently seeking the following association professionals and industry partners to serve in leadership positions:
- Secretary-Treasurer (Industry Partners are not eligible to serve as Officers)
- At-Large Directors (4)
- Industry Partner (1)
The benefits are many:
- A significant role in advancing your profession
- An opportunity to enhance the value of ASAE and the ASAE Research Foundation to the association community
- An opportunity to help lead ASAE through its recently launched 3-year strategy
- Access to up-to-date information about the challenges facing your profession
- The chance to exchange ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders
ASAE and ASAE Research Foundation value and seek diverse leadership as defined by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, professional level, etc. It seeks leaders from all types and sizes of eligible organizations. The Leadership Committee has identified a number of desired attributes that will be part of the selection process for new Board members.
- Demonstrated leadership commitment and involvement with ASAE and the ASAE Research Foundation Examples include but are not limited to service on an ASAE and ASAE Research Foundation committee, section council, commission, or task force; and obtained the CAE credential.
- Leader in the nonprofit and association communities with a strong understanding of association CEOs and C-suite leaders. Examples include but are not limited to: serving as the chair of an Allied Society, serving on the board of an association, or leading a committee, council, commission, or task force of an association or philanthropic organization.
- Commitment to ethics, Conscious Inclusion, and civility. ASAE’s culture and strategy is built on the expectation of continual dedication to these values and behaviors, and board members should act as models of these traits within the association community. Relevant expertise in the disciplines of organizational management. ASAE seeks to create a board with diverse areas of expertise and experience (for example, fundraising, component relations, finance, international community-building, and strategic alliances and partnerships), but is paying special attention to experience and expertise in advocacy and government relations.
- Commitment to participate in 3-4 board meetings a year (board meeting schedule is outlined below). ASAE board members are asked to provide financial support to Annual Giving, APAC, Power of A, special events and/or campaigns.
- Positive leadership attributes including emotional intelligence; the ability to work collaboratively; proactive and forward-thinking leadership; and the ability to engage in appropriate debate and discussion when needed.
- Visionary and strategic thinker. Demonstrated ability in overseeing new and innovative programs within the candidate’s sphere of influence. Examples include, but are not limited to: implementing and incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk-taking, and an entrepreneurial spirit.
For the secretary-treasurer position, you need to have served on the board of directors for at least 1 year; in addition, you do not need to fill out this application but will go through a separate application process. Please contact Mary Kate Cunningham, CAE directly mcunningham@asaecenter.org for further information.
Selection Timetable
February 15, 2025 | Call for Applications |
April 1, 2025 | Applications Due |
June 1, 2025 | Announcement of new Board Members |
August 8, 2025 | Board Meeting/Annual Meeting |